Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Language of Films

I've always thought films spoke different languages.  A summary of the plot is the traditional way to describe a film, but sometimes the plot isn't the main focus of the director.  If I were to tell you that I watched a film about gangs in New York city last night, then I could have been referring to Goodfellas - but I might also have been referring to West Side Story.  Clearly the language of these films separates them far more than a casual plot.  Terrence Malick has developed his own language for his films.  Audiences judging his works based on plot, will probably be disappointed.  I imagine To The Wonder will divide audience again.  Some directors or films strive to make you "think".  Life of Pi seemed to be asking it's audience to analyze "faith" - in much the same way that A.I. asked it's audience to analyze "love".  So, the next time you dive into another mindless summer popcorn sequel - remember being a film fan doesn't have to always be a passive experience.

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